
We’re accepting short stories for a new anthology, TexArcana! Basically, we’re looking for magical or fantasy stories set in Texas, any time period. Stories should be from 1,000 to 10,000 words. We’re looking for a sort of PG13 vibe, so no ultra-violence, no erotica, and no pro-confederate stories. We can’t pay very much, but we can offer a token payment of $10 for accepted stories. We will consider reprints, but only if you own all the rights, and please let us know where the story was previously published. You can email submissions as to lunarianpressbooks@gmail.com—please use doc, docx, or rtf files please. We prefer stories in Standard Manuscript format (see William Shunn), and welcome submissions from authors of all races, genders, ages, and sexual orientations. Submissions are due by September 1, 2021.

*Update: We are extending the submissions window until November 1, 2021.

Guest Posts and Author Interviews

Are you interested in writing a guest post for Lunarian Press? We would be interested in posts on science fiction and fantasy books (including reviews of science fiction/fantasy books you love), writing, posts about popular science, and other topics of general interest to readers. We are also happy to host author interviews with science fiction and fantasy writers.

If you’re interested in writing a guest post, please submit the form below with the subject line “Guest Post.” Likewise, if you’re interested in doing an author interview, please submit the form below with the subject line “Author Interview.”