Interview with Fantasy Author Shelby Oval

My next interview is with Shelby Oval, the author of Out of Embers and Shadows.

Alexis: Tell us about yourself! What would you like readers to know about you?

Shelby: I am a self published author who loves fantasy books. After reading so many I decided that I wanted to write one that used the beloved tropes, but gave a bit more power to women and other non-typical groups! So that's what I did!

Alexis: Awesome! It’s always good to write a book that you’d love to read. What book or books have most influenced you as a writer?

Shelby: Throne of Glass, From Blood and Ash, and Fourth Wing.

Alexis: I enjoyed Fourth Wing as well. What are some tropes of fiction in your genre that you love/hate? Why?

Shelby: I adore “who did this to you" and especially when they aren't together together yet! I am also a huge fan of when the male love interest is obsessed with his female counterpart (think Casteel in Blood and Ash). Overall, I love a good enemies to lovers trope. With that being said, I am NOT a fan of young girls needed a big strong man to teach them magic and how to save the world. Women can do that on our own thanks!

Alexis: Who is your favorite character in your book? What do you like about them? (or, which character do you hate most and why)

Shelby: I love my main character, Lora - obviously - because she is already strong and powerful at the start of the book, and she knows it. I also like a character named Garrison because from the get-go he is honest and open about Lora and all the events that transpire.

The cover of Out of Embers and Shadows by Shelby Oval.

Alexis: What do you like to do other than read or write? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

Shelby: My partner and I scuba and hike (when we can). We live in the Middle East and try to go to as many amazing places as possible on weekends and holidays.

Alexis: I love hiking and travel as well! Tell us about a mystery/urban legend from your hometown (or another place you’ve lived).

Shelby: In my hometown we actually have the longest missing person case in state history. A young woman my mom and dad knew from high school was walking home after a U2 concert and vanished. No one knows anything - or at least hasn't said anything. Its been 30 years and only little leads have come to the surface.

Alexis: That is a very tragic mystery! I always hope that someday someone will come forward, or evidence will be found, so that there can be some justice and resolution for the families of these victims. What’s your favorite animal?

Shelby: I have an absolute attachment to weenie dogs. I had one for 15 years and she was the light of my life. Besides her, I love turtles and swim with them whenever I get the chance!

Alexis: Dachshunds are very cute—my husband had one for a while as well. Do you have pet(s)? If so, share a picture of your pet!

Shelby: My perfect angel baby - Edelbe - was my dog growing up and I am still just as obsessed with her now!

Shelby Oval’s beloved dog, Edelbe.

Alexis: What advice do you have for other writers or people just getting started in writing?

Shelby: I have to keep reminding myself, even now, that the first draft is just that - a draft. It doesn't have to be perfect and print ready! Just get it onto the page!

Alexis: How do you choose what books you want to read?

Shelby: Lowkey - I judge a book by its cover hardcore! If the cover is cool I will read the back and then decide. (sometimes someone will suggest something and I'll look into it! Or I ARC read!)

Alexis: Do you like Greek/Roman/Norse/Asian/African mythology or folklore? What’s your favorite myth?

Shelby: I am obsessed with Madaline Miller's Song of Achilles and all that is the love story between Achilles and Patroclus. But I am currently diving into the Persephone/Hades retelling!

Alexis: Exciting! I love myths and retelling as well. Thank you for talking to our readers, and I wish you luck with your book!