Interview with TexArcana Author Brad Cullen Fleetwood

This is an interview with one of the authors from our new anthology, TexArcana! Brad Cullen Fleetwood wrote the story “The Bragg Light.”

Alexis: Tell us about yourself! What would you like readers to know about you?

Brad Cullen: I have been writing for a long time and have only recently begun to publish things. If you like this story, I have a lot more you might be interested in as well. I have a narrative horror podcast coming out this winter based on the history of the Bragg Light. It is an entire universe of characters and stories set in Texas.

Alexis: Amazing! I’d love to start a podcast sometime. Whenever your podcast is ready let me know. I love podcasts like Podcastle or Pseudopod. So, what book or books have most influenced you as a writer?

Brad Cullen: Stephen King, of course. I’ve been reading his work since I was young. Jeanne Kalogridis’ vampire trilogy holds a special place in my development as a reader/writer. It’s a very underrated series. Chuck Palahniuk was important for me at a formative period. Recently Stephen Graham Jones has been my favorite; truly remarkable storytelling.

Cover of the book TexArcana, which depicts Death dressed as a Spanish Conquistador and riding a white horse.

Alexis: What are some tropes of fiction in your genre that you love/hate? Why?

Brad Cullen: I love nearly everything about the horror genre. However, there is one thing I absolutely detest: partner disbelief. When, say, a wife tells her husband of years that she experienced something paranormal, and he doesn’t believe her. They always dismiss it as paranoia or stress. I find that incredibly condescending and a lazy way to move a plot.

Alexis: Texas has a long and fascinating history, as well as some interesting people. What inspires or interests you about Texas?

Brad Cullen: The landscape. I’m not even sure what it is about the landscape but being in the woods of East, Texas centers me. This is strange but I feel like Loblolly Pine trees are a personality trait of mine.

A picture of Loblolly pine trees, which are native to the American South, including Texas.

Alexis: What do you like to do other than read or write? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

Brad Cullen: I direct horror movies with Barnshow Productions. You can find them at and on Youtube.

Alexis: Wow, that’s exciting! Tell us about a mystery/urban legend from your hometown (or another place you’ve lived).

Brad Cullen: The Bragg Light is directly from my hometown. We went out to that road on weekends looking for ghosts. We never found any.

Alexis: Yes, we have a famous haunted bridge near where I live, and we have also never found any ghosts or demons there:) What TV shows/Movies do you like to watch or stream?

Brad Cullen: I love the original Twilight Zone. It was ahead of its time. I also love most horror films from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, particularly slasher films. As far as contemporary things go, I really like movies like Mandy, Hereditary, The Lodge, and The Blackcoat’s Daughter. I’m also a huge fan of The Office.

Alexis: What’s your favorite animal?

Brad Cullen: I’m a dog guy.

Alexis: Do you have a pet or pets? If so, share a picture of your pet!

Brad Cullen: This is my dog Chili. He’s a good boy. In this picture, Chili had been at the beach all weekend, thus why he looks like a garbage monster.

Alexis: Do you like playing board games or role playing games like D&D? If so, which games do you like best?

Brad Cullen: I love D&D. My family used to sit around my Mom’s kitchen table and play long campaigns on the weekends.

Alexis: That’s awesome! I also love D&D, I think that lots of writers do because it’s so creative.

Author Bio

Brad Cullen Fleetwood is a writer and award-winning filmmaker from Houston, Texas. His

journalism work has appeared in newspapers, and on the sites Bloody Disgusting and Rue

Morgue. He spends his nights writing and his days with his beautiful wife Brittany, daughter

Maddison, and son Devereaux. He does not sleep.