
Interview with Fantasy Author and Playwright Judith Pratt

For my next interview in the series, I talk to Fantasy writer and playwright Judith Pratt.

Tell us about yourself! What would you like readers to know about you?

Judith Pratt: I began as an actor and mime (!) Then I taught acting and theatre history in a college, fundraising materials for another college, and freelance writing for colleges and non-profits.. 

I wrote my first play in the early 1990s. The main character had more of her story to tell me, but it would not fit on a stage, so I wrote a novel, The Dry Country, and self-published it. Now I write stories, essays, plays, and am working on another novel. My plays have been produced in small theatres around the US and—I love this—in Cape Town, South Africa.

Alexis: Exciting! When I first started writing, I actually wrote Reader’s Theater plays for my students (I taught 8th grade English at the time). I like to think it did wonders for my writing, in the since that 8th graders do not hesitate to give their honest opinions about anything, and plays are great for hearing your writing read out loud.

What book or books have most influenced you as a writer?

Judith Pratt: Robin McKinley, Ursula LeGuin, Neil Gaiman, Sarah Addison Allen. A few favorite books: Station Eleven, College of Magics, Practical Magic, Vinegar Girl, Child of a Rainless Year, Thirteenth Tale

Alexis: I’ve read lots of Neil Gaiman and Ursula LeGuin as well.

What are some tropes of fiction in your genre that you hate? Why?

Judith Pratt: Family secrets are revealed. Because it’s incredibly overused, in both plays and novels. But people seem to love it. I do not!

The princess who has to save her kingdom. Another overused notion.

However, if you do either of those things brilliantly (see Stevermer’s College of Magics) you get a pass!

Who is your favorite character in your book? What do you like about them? (or, which character do you hate most and why)

Judith Pratt: Well, the main character, Andrea, wouldn’t be the main character if I didn’t like her. (Although I’m reading an Eric Ambler book where the main character is a jerk, I can’t write like that, sigh!) Andrea can be a pain, but she manages (mostly)  a confusing situation and a difficult family.

Andrea’s stepfather was very hard to write. He’s sort of the villain, so I “hated” him, but I had to give him reasons for his actions. I love to hate Andrea’s little brother, Jake! I have a little sister—who, of course, has grown up and seems like she’s my age now. But I channeled some of her into Jake.

Siljeea Magic by Author and Playwright Judith Pratt, interview by Alexis Lantgen of

Siljeea Magic by Author and Playwright Judith Pratt, interview by Alexis Lantgen of

What are you doing to de-stress during the pandemic? Is there any coping mechanism you’d recommend (or NOT recommend)?

Judith Pratt: As a writer, I can definitely keep busy with all the story ideas that rattle around my head. Also, my husband and I are lucky. We have a house and a yard, and we live in a place where, so far, the virus hasn’t hit hard.

Walking or cycling are my best de-stressors. A couple of miles in the countryside, looking at flowers and cows and interesting houses, opens up the world and helps me sleep better.

I do not recommend reading the news very often. Facebook and Twitter really destroy my attention span as well as depressing me. Tell me that again when I go headfirst into one of them!

Alexis: I know. It’s so hard to stay away from the news, but it feels so overwhelming and necessary to read it too! I’m starting to hate Facebook more the more time I spend on it, to the point where I’m seriously considering deleting the app from my phone.

What do you like to do other than read or write? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

Judith Pratt: Because I started out as an actor, teacher of acting, and playwright. I go to the theatre constantly. Now, of course, I check out all the virtual theatre stuff. Live theatre is better!

Recently, I began doing Tai Chi, and still do it in my living room, since classes had to be cancelled.

I like gardening. Flowers, not vegetables. For vegetables, we’d have to create a giant fence to keep out the critters--rabbits, deer, and woodchucks. Since I can barely keep up with the flowers, I decided against that!

Alexis: I like the theater, but as a classical musician, my passion is opera. One of the few good things about Covid 19 is how many opera companies started streaming their shows. It’s bee great to see these incredible performances I’d never be able to see otherwise. I also love gardening, and I have several rabbits that regularly get into my garden. I don’t mind too much though, because they’re so cute and I love watching them!

Tell us about a mystery/urban legend from your hometown (or another place you’ve lived).

Judith Pratt: Great question. I went and looked it up. I didn’t think Massachusetts, or New England, had any. However, I’m working on a story where the Wampanoag creature, the nikommo, appears to a contemporary white woman.

Alexis: Interesting! I often wish that more writers from the Americas would use local myths and legends in their writing. So often, even American writers still seem stuck in Europe, with elves and fairies, instead of looking at the amazing stories all around you.

What TV shows/Movies do you like to watch or stream? 

Judith Pratt: My husband and I each have advanced degrees in theatre. But we love Marvel movies, martial arts movies, and movies that are so bad, they are good. Education has its limits!

Alexis: I totally get it. I love opera and enjoy reading great classics, but I’m also a huge fan of Thor movies and comics.

What’s your favorite animal?

Judith Pratt: Ducks. I had pet ducks as a kid. I’ve written a story featuring a magic duck.

Do you have pet(s)? If so, share a picture of your pet!

Judith Pratt: Three cockatiels. Because cats (I love cats!) give me asthma. Here’s a picture of the youngest, Stanley. We didn’t know she was a girl when we named her.

Alexis: She’s so cute!

Stanley the Cockatiel, who would respectfully like you to know that she identifies as a girl even though her name is Stanley.

Stanley the Cockatiel, who would respectfully like you to know that she identifies as a girl even though her name is Stanley.

What advice do you have for other writers or people just getting started in writing?

Judith Pratt: Write every day.

 Read Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird, and always write a shitty first draft.

How do you choose what books you want to read?

Judith Pratt: I read book reviews in several online magazines, and get Amazon’s list of cheap Kindle reads. I like magical realism, but read other things. So if something looks good, I check it out on Goodreads or Amazon; then list it on Goodreads. 

Also, things fall off the shelf into my hands. Or friends recommend them

Finally, I’m a big re-reader of books I like.

Alexis: I’m a huge re-reader as well. I’ve read Katherine Addison’s The Goblin Emperor more times than I can count. It’s such a great book in an amazing world.

Do you like Greek/Roman/Norse/Asian/African mythology or folklore? What’s your favorite myth? 

Judith Pratt: I like it all. As a kid, I had a book of Greek myths that I loved. And I actually wrote a play, Spiralling, based on masks from Africa and northwestern Native Americans. But I’m kind of obsessed with the Cassandra myth. Another story waiting to be written!

Find out more about Judith Pratt!

Books: Siljeea Magic, The Dry, and The Wright Place

Web site:

Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Goodreads